Unauthorized Scanning
With Liberty Morning your email is private and secure. Many of the free email providers scan your emails and sell your data. Look at most company privacy policies, you will often see language that gives the provider the right to review and read your private email account. Hotmail, Google and Yahoo privacy policies all have similar wording that inform users that they may access or disclose information about them, including the content of their communications. Email providers scanning your information include NSA spying, which Google was caught doing after Edward Snowden revealed the partnership in 2013. It is known Yahoo continued working with the NSA to garner information until October 2016. These invasions of privacy should not be allowed when you trust a company to maintain a private email account. Let Liberty Morning email service protect your information and keep you safe from the government and big business.
Stop being held captive by your Email provider. Set yourself free through Liberty Morning Webmail.

Call us 769-798-6761

Unauthorized Scanning
With Liberty Morning your email is private and secure. Many of the free email providers scan your emails and sell your data. Look at most company privacy policies, you will often see language that gives the provider the right to review and read your private email account. Hotmail, Google and Yahoo privacy policies all have similar wording that inform users that they may access or disclose information about them, including the content of their communications. Email providers scanning your information include NSA spying, which Google was caught doing after Edward Snowden revealed the partnership in 2013. It is known Yahoo continued working with the NSA to garner information until October 2016. These invasions of privacy should not be allowed when you trust a company to maintain a private email account. Let Liberty Morning email service protect your information and keep you safe from the government and big business.
Stop being held captive by your Email provider. Set yourself free through Liberty Morning Webmail.

Call us 769-798-6761