Things to know about the best free Email Services
People don’t realize that when they use free email services like Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo, their emails are being scanned. You may be aware that your email service provider is scanning your message to weed out things like spam, but you may not know they’re also collecting information? The so called “Free” email providers have access to the emails you write, who receives your messages, and the information included. They use this information to sell to advertisers and more. Here are some things you should know about email privacy: Sending to Google users exposes your information. Even if you use other email providers, your emails are still susceptible to scanning. Google admits that they scan all emails sent to or from their subscribers to gain data to sell to advertisers. Emails older than 180 days can be seized by authorities. Legislation that was written three years before the World Wide Web was invented allows the warrantless collection of citizens’ emails. Emails more than 6 months old can be collected by the government without a judge’s permission thanks to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. This law applies to a secure or private email services, but Liberty Morning does not comply with blanket warrants from government agencies seeking access to user data.
Stop being held captive by your Email provider. Set yourself free through Liberty Morning Webmail.

Call us 769-798-6761

Things to know about the best free Email Services
People don’t realize that when they use free email services like Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo, their emails are being scanned. You may be aware that your email service provider is scanning your message to weed out things like spam, but you may not know they’re also collecting information? The so called “Free” email providers have access to the emails you write, who receives your messages, and the information included. They use this information to sell to advertisers and more. Here are some things you should know about email privacy: Sending to Google users exposes your information. Even if you use other email providers, your emails are still susceptible to scanning. Google admits that they scan all emails sent to or from their subscribers to gain data to sell to advertisers. Emails older than 180 days can be seized by authorities. Legislation that was written three years before the World Wide Web was invented allows the warrantless collection of citizens’ emails. Emails more than 6 months old can be collected by the government without a judge’s permission thanks to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. This law applies to a secure or private email services, but Liberty Morning does not comply with blanket warrants from government agencies seeking access to user data.
Stop being held captive by your Email provider. Set yourself free through Liberty Morning Webmail.

Call us 769-798-6761